iWITNESS: MEDIA & THE MOVEMENT | Exhibition - Reginald F. Lewis Museum
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“A first-class citizen does not beg for freedom. A first-class citizen does not plead to the white power structure to give him something that the whites have no power to give or take away. Human rights are human rights, not white rights.”

— Gloria Richardson, American Civil Rights Activist, Officer of the Cambridge Nonviolent Coordinating Committee

iWITNESS: Media & The Movement is a compelling exhibit that will examine how media—Radio, Television, Photography, and the Press—impacted the modern American Civil Rights Movement. This exhibit commemorates the 60th anniversary of the monumental Civil Rights Act of 1964, and explores the efforts of activists, community leaders, and organizations in the state of Maryland who leveraged the power of media to open the eyes, hearts, and minds of many, forcing them to bear witness to injustices while compelling them to seek change. 

NOTE: Purchasing a ticket to view iWITNESS: Media & The Movement grants visitors access to all current Museum exhibitions.



iWitness: Media & The Movement Opening 

“You got to be militant, but you got to be smart. You got to operate on soul feeling. Your goal’s got to be liberation, not integration.”

— Walter P. Carter, American Civil Rights Activist, Chairman of the Congress of Racial Equality, Baltimore Chapter