Events - Reginald F. Lewis Museum - Page 35

Author Talk: The College Completion Glass – Half Full or Half – Empty?

Reginald F. Lewis Museum 830 E. Pratt St., Baltimore, United States

Author Talk: The College Completion Glass - Half Full or Half - Empty? Exploring the Value of Post Secondary Education by Tiffany Beth Mfume, PhD.Saturday , March 9, 1 pmDespite the Great Recession and looming “student loan debt crisis”, college education remains the most proven, invaluable lifetime investment and serves as the most reliable path to upward mobility […]

Author Talk – “Baltimore Civil Rights Leader Victorine Q. Adams: The Power of the Ballot”

Reginald F. Lewis Museum 830 E. Pratt St., Baltimore, United States

Baltimore Civil Rights Leader Victorine Q. Adams: The Power of the BallotBy Ida E. JonesSaturday, March 16, 1pmVictorine Quille Adams was the first African American woman elected to the Baltimore City Council. In 1946, she founded the Colored Women's Democratic Campaign Committee to educate African American women about the vote and the power of the […]

Museum Nights @ The Lewis

Reginald F. Lewis Museum 830 E. Pratt St., Baltimore, United States

Museum Nights @ The Lewis Thursday, March 21, 6pm to 9pm Third Thursday is now Museum Nights @ the Lewis! We know you LOVED Third Thursdays, but it’s time to try something NEW. Third Thursday is getting REMIXED and we are bringing you diverse music options, a new food and drink menu, VIP areas, and […]


Linda Day Clark – Artist Gallery Talk “The Gee’s Bend Photographs”

Reginald F. Lewis Museum 830 E. Pratt St., Baltimore, United States

Artist Gallery Talk - Linda Day Clark: The Gee's Bend Photographs Saturday, March 30, 1 pm Linda Day Clark began photographing the Gee's Bend community in 2002 as a freelance photographer for The New York Times. She continues to return to Gee’s Bend as a documentary photographer, capturing the life of this rural community and […]

Film “The Quiltmakers of Gee’s Bend” (60 min)

Reginald F. Lewis Museum 830 E. Pratt St., Baltimore, United States

Film Screening: The Quiltmakers of Gee's Bend (60 minutes)Saturday, March 30, 2:30 pmQuiltmakers of Gee's Bend explores the extraordinary lives, inspirations, and history of these artists, and also follows them on a poignant and sometimes very comical bus journey to see their quilts exhibited at The Milwaukee Art Museum.In conjunction with Linda Day Clark and […]

Baltimore After Freddie Gray

Reginald F. Lewis Museum 830 E. Pratt St., Baltimore, United States

Baltimore After Freddie Gray Saturday, April 13, Noon to  3 pm   FACTUALITY Board Game Noon FACTUALITY is a facilitated dialogue, crash course, and board game, all in one, that simulates real life experiences in Baltimore allowing for a courageous conversation about structural inequality. It is played with a rich group of diverse characters  that encounter a series of fact based advantages […]

Museum Nights @ the Lewis

Third Thursday is now Museum Nights @ the Lewis! We know you LOVED Third Thursdays, but it’s time to try something NEW. Third Thursday is getting REMIXED and we are bringing you diverse music options, a new food and drink menu, VIP areas, and access to the hottest exhibitions in the city all in one […]

Fabric Craft Workshop: Greeting Cards (Ages 6-12)

Play with fabric and create a collage greeting card of your own. Visitors are encouraged to bring photos to embellish their cards. This fabric craft workshop is facilitated by the African American Quilters of Baltimore. To register please contact In conjunction with Linda Day Clark: The Gee’s Bend Photographs Included with Museum Admission. Let […]

Film: Tell Me More and Then Some

This film explores the history of American jazz in Baltimore as well as the current state of Baltimore's jazz scene. Visitors will view footage of jazz greats Eubie Blake, Chick Webb, Billie Holiday, Ethel Ennis and more. The film challenges the idea that "Baltimore's jazz scene died along with the Royal Theatre and Pennsylvania Ave." […]